GDG Bucharest and Mobile Publishing Group just finished its first series of Android courses for beginner and advanced developers. The 2-day course took place on 2-3 August in Bucharest at the Hotel Epoque. The course was organized in cooperation with Mobile Publishing and is based on the online Android course from .
The training sessions comprise an introduction to the field of Android application development with regard to specific techniques and the development environment. It is geared towards specialists that are interested in implementing Android apps but who have never had formal or structured education that would have exposed them to the essential sets of implementing instruments and tools.
During the two days of training, the following themes were approached: Android system architecture, development environment installation and set-up, emulated or on-phone testing, UI controls, Services and Broadcast Receiver, working with SQLite data bases in Android, and location-based notifications.
The content of the 2-day training course was adapted to suit the knowledge level of the participants. The main topics covered were as follows:
Marius Mailat has been developing commercial software since 2000. He is the CTO of Appsrise GmbH, where 1000 mobile apps have been developed. His focus is mobile applications architecture and development for Android. He is an experienced Java developer who spent the majority of his career building large-scale Java applications for Xerox and Sabre Travel Network in Germany. His interest in the secrets of the Android platform was geared towards building the Defense Squad Mobile Security app, a free, simple-to-use and innovative Android security solution. Marius is the founder of the Romanian Android Community which has now around 5000 active members.